Donde habite el olvido: Como los erizos, ya sabéis, los hombres un día sintieron su frío. Y quisieron compartirlo. Entonces inventaron el amor. El resultado fue, ya sabéis, como en los erizos.

septiembre 14, 2014


have you seen them running by?

with eyes on this earth, 

discovering treasures that won't satisfy.

Ever wonder what's on that little mind?

what hungers their soul? 

What idols would rise?

when your eyes meet, what do you see?

Can you read between the lines 

of innocence and laughter?

Will Jesus be their rock

through success or disaster?

Will He be their One True Reward

now, today, and after?

Not kids, but worshippers,

that's what they truly are 


may they find their joy in Christ

may they burst with His very passion


septiembre 04, 2014


My eternal sunshine, 

my only Daniela,

spirit of a warrior 

and soul of a fairy,

body of a goddess 

and lips of Nutella,

charm me and pierce me, 

with your eyes extraordinary.

Dont let the moon do her job,

tell me you love me one more time.

Do it again, 

it's never enough,

from your lips, oh dear, 

everything rhymes.