Donde habite el olvido: Como los erizos, ya sabéis, los hombres un día sintieron su frío. Y quisieron compartirlo. Entonces inventaron el amor. El resultado fue, ya sabéis, como en los erizos.

agosto 30, 2007


It tOok me twO preciOus years of my life
but I finally gOt my lesson learned!

A person who's not christian will never ever
understand the Grace of our Glorious Lord
unless God gave him the facult and the blessing
of understand him to come to Him.

We believe, sometimes, that havInG someOne
that is not christian in our lives is not that bad
and that everybody else is making a dig deal
about it, but sometimes we have to fall to get
to understand how deep is the hole.

Is good have friends, couple, spouse, but only
if theY knOw how big, how great is out Lord
and they have Him in their heart, but in
occasions we foul ourselves thinking that WE
can make someone to become christian. Oh bIg
mistakE! Unless is a purpose of God, we'll NEVER
get that, because the sin is allowed on human's heart.

That person can be great, all what yOu wanted, with
that "liTtle" defect:: That is not christian, but that it's
not that little as we thinK. Some day, that persOn is gOing
to make yOu things that yOU don't like or you couldn't do,
is going to argue with yOu, or worst,take you out of the Gospel...
That, is going tO shOw it scars, and
it's gOing to take off it masK,shOwing that, that "little"
defect was a huge deal.

We're going to suffer, tO cry, to feel deeply awful
because of that "little" thinG. ..

YeP! It took me tWo years of my life finally learn that
but God, my Almighty Lord, was patient with me
because He didn't want me to gEt lOst, but to learn
from thIs experienCe tO dO a gOod example and shOw
peopLe that be with a non-christian persOn, it's such a
big deaL

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