Donde habite el olvido: Como los erizos, ya sabéis, los hombres un día sintieron su frío. Y quisieron compartirlo. Entonces inventaron el amor. El resultado fue, ya sabéis, como en los erizos.

marzo 31, 2008

BefOre I fOrget the idea. ..

Here I am,
In one of these days,
((Yeah, also "these days"))
That I just want to talk tO sOmeone,
and tell -him? -her? what I'm feeling,
One of these days that I just need a gOod friend,
that doesn't judge me.
[Everybody's treating me coldly]
Yes, I knOw that I'm not perfect, saint or the
parameter of best behavior, but, what I know is what
I feel;
I feel sOrry of doing this,
Just God and I know what I'm feeling.
I'm tired of liying to every person I love
in one or another way;
If I just could say anything, but I can't.
Yes, one part of me is wishing that I could get
free of this, but, another is just taking me to that.
Is like Paul said, isn't me anymore, is something
sometimes stronger, but I know I'm in control,
I know I am who makes the decisions but
it is just hard, very hard.
Every one has to deal with their things and problems,
but it seems that this is going bigger and I can't hide this
anymore. Is shaming in some kinda way but
I just want to ask God for strength,
He knows what I've beign feeling for these years so,
I just want to serve Him with a clean conscience,
And, THANK YOU LORD because I've been FORGIVEN!
Thank YOU LORD =) Because no matter what,
No matter what it's happening in my life,
YOU know I've change,
No matter of all the people that turned me their back,
YOU have been ALWAYS with me,
No matter of all of them who once said that loved me,
YOU ALWAYS been with me,
And I've been unfaithful and ungrateful and YOU fOrgave
all my sins and made me a new creature.
Is thanks to you that I am still here claiming for your help.

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